Monday, May 9, 2011

Why do you always eat meat???

Recently I found an incredible meatloaf recipe which I will share on Thursday.  I was in the boys' room picking up when Big E asked what we were having for dinner.  I began to explain the lineup of exciting dishes when G man started to moan.

G man does not eat meat.

Well, technically anyway.  He eats chicken nuggets.  I had always thought it cruel of my parents to make me sit and gag down roast.  I hated it.  I would literally gag until they were tired of hearing it and let me get up.  I decided early on I would not MAKE my kids eat anything.  I would place all options on the plate and they could choose after tasting it.  The plan worked fine for the first two.  They are both good eaters.  Then along came G man.  G man could throw up on demand.

When G man was 18 months old he would cry until he threw up.  After talking to the pediatrician she concluded it was behavioral, that he didn't want to stay in his bed, AND we should make him sleep in it.  WHAT!?!?!?  He can throw up on demand????

One threat is all it took and I had reclaimed my evenings.

However, food is another issue.  He still has problems.  Sometimes we even fight through chicken nuggets which are too squishy.  I would call him a vegetarian but...he doesn't eat those either.  He is officially at this time in his life a dairytarian. (He eats cheese.)

So after the menu for dinner was explained, Big E and J Money are super excited.  (I'm telling you the meatloaf is yum!)  G man then says, "Why do you guys always have to eat meat?"

Maybe he will be a vegetarian.


  1. Looking forward to your meatloaf recipe! I was a carnivore growing up, I could understand Graham better if he hated boiled okra!

    Love reading about your sweet family.

  2. Love meatloaf - family doesn't so much. Looking forward to your recipe.
